With the update performed on 02/01/2017, a new, public API has been added.
It allows the querying of reports against/appeals made by one or multiple steam ids and of all currently persistent reports/appeals.
Base format:
- No API key required (may limit IPs if they spam too many requests)
- Only exposes non-private (protected/hidden) data (aka. nothing inbetween [ HIDE ] tags)
- Versioning: simple - v1, v2, v3, ...
- All results will be returned in JSON format (using PHP's json_encode, pretty print enabled)
https://f-o-g.trade/api/public/userinfo/v1/Output description:
https://pastebin.com/raw/qyTnpixsDescriptionReturns all reports against/appeals for the supplied steamids.
- steamids - a comma-separated list of up to 100 community ids to check (required)
- closed_only - values: not set / empty / 0 - all reports, 1 - closed reports only (accepted, rejected, archived, invalid, resolved)., 2 - not-closed only (pending, under investigation, need more info, ready for review, pending tag) (optional)
- handled_only - values: not set / empty / 0 - all appeals, 1 - handled appeals only (accepted, rejected, etc.), 2 - unhandled appeals only (pending, ready for removal, need more info, under investigation) (optional)
Example call
https://f-o-g.trade/api/public/reports/v1Output description:
https://pastebin.com/raw/ASevcy3eDescriptionLists all reports currently present on the site. Excludes all "protected" (staff only) reports.
- page - page to retrive - returns 100 reports per page, defaults to 1 if not set (optional)
Example call
https://f-o-g.trade/api/public/appeals/v1Output description:
https://pastebin.com/raw/MYWRy45uDescriptionLists all appeals currently present in the system.
- page - page to retrive - returns 100 appeals per page, defaults to 1 if not set (optional)
Example call