Appeal: 76561198064670620 (SpacedOut)

Steam Community Avatar
Type: Change of Heart
| steamname: SpacedOut
| steam3ID: [U:1:104404892]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52202446
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

Alternate accounts
Years ago I had done really stupid things as in (Attempt to scam) because my friends were into it and I decided to join because I had thought it would of been an easy items sorta thing on csgo, I never had gotten an item of it hence the attempt to scam and I do regret it overall. I believe that giving me a ban was a really harsh punishment and a deserved one, but its been years now and I learned my lesson and I will never do it again and I have proven it by not getting anymore reports on my account and being friendly towards every trader. If my tag could somehow be moved down to a cautious or revoked it would be highly appreciated. Overall this experience has made me learn that scamming is a disgusting act and should never be done under any circumstance. I have evolved and gone way past my old ways. Looking at my reports on my page.. they're all pending and have never gotten resolved.. not a single person there gave prove that I had scammed them (taking their items.) That's why I truly believe that my status should be catious or none. Thank you for your time. 

In my SteamRep ban, I got banned because my friend had signed into my account (CursedSmoke 76561198140935249) That is his ID. I am in no way affiliated with him anymore, and no i'm not a alt account.
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Created on
18.09.2018 02:21:05
Updated on
18.09.2018 10:10:55