Appeal: 76561198127502382 (tyler)

Steam Community Avatar
Type: Change of Heart
| steamname: tyler
| steam3ID: [U:1:167236654]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:83618327
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

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Well, i don't know how else to convince you but i guess this is a shot. Yea, i did try scamming back then, i was pretty new to the csgo scene and i was broke in real life, my friend told me that u could just imposter people, i thought that was a way to go for the csgo pin scene back when it was active. I was greedy, didn't really care at that time how others would feel if i did end up scamming, but i never ended up scamming anyone when i was impostering that dude, was just a fool trying to make some money and then realized how much of an idiot he was. I have been clean the past years, never scammed anyone, never intend to imposter anyone ever again and be an idiot. I don't know what else to say to make you get this tag off me, its like a scar to me and reminds me how one day can tarnish your reputation. I hope i can get this removed. I did appeal on steamrep but my report was invalid cause i couldn't follow the format lol,and then they added this because the original ban was from leakzone, i think that site shut down. if i cant get this removed  happy new years to you guys regardless.
This was the thread that i got reported on was banned since ;/
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Created on
31.12.2017 11:31:36
Updated on
31.01.2018 09:24:13